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Post Text That Converts On Facebook and Twitter

Write Posts That Are Social Media Algorithm-Friendly

Have you been wondering how to beat the algorithm so your Facebook posts get seen by more people? Do you know how to craft just the right Facebook text ads to capture your audience’s attention for high Facebook post engagement? Remember: good reach leads to high engagement which leads to making money with Facebook & Twitter!

Many people put a lot of effort into writing posts that nobody sees. Invest your time in crafting social media posts that follow our 6 golden rules to make sure they get the engagement you so need and deserve!

To Increase Your Facebook and Twitter Post Engagement

6 Content Hacks To Increase Your Facebook and Twitter Post Engagement

  1. Less IS More

    Avoid unnecessary content.

    When it comes to making money with Twitter & Facebook, you’ve gotta be brief.

    Our research shows that our Twitter influencers’ posts with the highest engagement were between 7 & 33 characters.

    As for Facebook, our top influencers use 85 characters or less in their Facebook text ads

    Just like your want your non-affiliate marketing content to be pithy and to the point, you’ll get more Facebook post engagement when you say what you want with less words, but more meaning. 

    Let’s say you’re more into long-form content marketing and you’ve got a blog &/or YouTube channel that you use to really explore all the features of a particular product. That’s great – and you probably have audience members that are into that. 

    To make money with Facebook & Twitter, you still have to be brief:
    Twitter cuts you off after 280 characters
    Facebook hides part of your post after 488 characters  

    It’s harder to say more with less. We know.

  2. Ask A Question

    Wouldn’t you like to be asked your thoughts?

    Facebook also has a new feature that allows you to use two emojis (i.e.?/☹️) to create a poll out of any post

    And as those earning money from Facebook and Twitter well know, one of the strongest ways to light up your Twitter and Facebook post engagement is to ask your followers a question that they can reply to in the comments.

    ? Questions Lead to Conversions ?

    These kind of informal polls are not only a great way to increase ranking on your Twitter & Facebook Text ads, but to get real feedback from your followers about what they want from you and your channel & hopefully provide you a forum where you can genuinely engage with them and their questions, desires, thoughts and ideas.

    You may even find that asking a meaningful question in your Facebook ad text will open a discussion (or few) amongst your followers which will add for them a feeling of community around your brand and your channel. This will lead to positive action cycles like repeat visits, channel loyalty, trust, and ultimately a steady stream of conversions & affiliate income for you.  
    I’m speaking now about the long game – not how to supercharge your conversions on one single Twitter or Facebook text ad, but how to make money with your Facebook and Twitter accounts sustainably, giving you a career in content marketing for a long time to come.

  3. Image/Text combo

    Use the right text for your image to light up your Facebook post engagement.

    Sometimes, you’ll pick the perfect attention-grabbing image, and your Twitter or Facebook ad text will simply serve to add emphasis or necessary details in the description. 

    Your text could also provide the perfect quote or saying to offset your image and make it funny or otherwise emotionally gripping. 

    In this same way, you can start with the perfect text quote – something that you know will emotionally engage your audience – and then find the perfect image to match. 

    Who knows? If you craft it well enough, you may even have a content marketing post go viral!

    ? Emotional Engagement = $$$ ?

    The perfect text-image combo is meant to increase your Facebook post engagement by making them feel something that stops them in their tracks. 

    Anyone who has ever surfed a social media website knows that to make money with Facebook and Twitter, you’ll have to really stand out from the competition.

    Let’s say you’ve picked the perfect product that exactly addressed your audience’s inner pain and desire, and you’ve gotten a great discount coupon from ArabClicks to incentivize your followers to buy.

    You still  have to grab stop people from their endless scrolling and to let them know you’ve got the perfect price on the product they want. 

    You can use humour, sadness, romance, curiosity, longing, friendship .. anything that grabs your audience in the belly and makes them stop and really read your post. 

    This is of course the formula for high Facebook post engagement of every kind – not just engagement with your Facebook text ads.

  4. FOMO Call-to-Action

    Motivate your audience with a few words that convey urgency.

    Once you’ve stopped your audience in their tracks, turn their raised emotions into the action you want them to take.

    Do this by creating a sense of urgency with a FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) CTA (call-to-action). 

    You should be including a call-to-action in every Twitter or Facebook text ad already, but a properly crafted FOMO CTA will give the sense that if they don’t act RIGHT NOW, your audience is going to miss all the action. 

    ? A few examples:
    ■ 3 days only!
    ■ Expires at midnight!
    ■ Only 2 coupons left!
    ■ Last day!

    Every Facebook & Twitter channel has a unique audience and a unique look & feel. Think of some FOMO CTAs that will work for you! 

    Stumped? Check out ArabClicks’ Facebook page where you can see some more FOMO CTAs, and also get some sweet discount coupons for your channel. Check it right now & you’ll earn more from your Facebook and Twitter today!

  5. Don’t Forget Hashtags

    It’s how your audience will find you! 

    To find just the perfect #hashtags, you can use one of many free hashtag finder tools.

    It’s best not to use only extremely popular keywords in the world, like #shopping or #love – because your post will get lost in the sea of other posts that have the same hashtag. 

    Better to also use specific hashtags like #BestEidGifts4Women or #BestMobilePricesDubai 

    Check Google Trends or a Twitter Hashtag trend engine to find just the right combination of super trendy and super specific keywords for your post.

    For a website to be found on Google Search it needs to include relevant search terms – keywords – that its target audience is searching for. 

    For a Twitter post or Facebook text ad to be found include relevant hashtags that your target audience is searching for. 

    Remember, the more specific you can be about what your post actually contains, the more you’ll attract the right audience that’s looking for exactly what you’re offering.

  6. Give Credit to Others

    where credit is due. 

    Yes, this means mentioning others’ sites & content and giving your audience a chance to find what they’re looking for somewhere else. 

    But this is good business practice & helps build a supportive community of online entrepreneurs who help each other make money – not cut each other’s throat to make a buck. 

    Besides, when you credit others with an idea, they’ll learn that they can trust you, and we all know that trust leads to, that’s right, more sales!


I hope you’ve enjoyed these 6 hacks on  how to craft the perfect Twitter and Facebook Text Ads & make lots of money from your Twitter & Facebook channels. 

As I mentioned in the above article, the single most effective content marketing coup-d’etat you can include in your Facebook post text is a discount code for your (and your audience’s) favorite brand.
Get your ArabClicks coupon codes here!

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