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Get Your Guide Affiliate Program

If travel is your thing, then Get Your Guide is the service you should be promoting to your followers! This is like no other travel site around. In fact, Get Your Guide helps your followers with all their travel plans – EXCEPT flights and hotels. Get Your Guide helps travelers plan their EXPERIENCE! Get Your Guide makes reservations for all the best places to see and the best things to do - museums visits, walking tours, cruises, bike rentals, snorkeling, buildings to climb (!), brewery tastings… get the idea! And when you partner with the GetYourGuide affiliate program, you’ll earn an extraordinary 5.6% of your followers’ purchases – of every tour, visit or experience booked. Start to make money promoting the GetYourGuide program today! Your followers will thank you!
Cookie Period
31 Days (Unless overwritten by another affiliate Link)
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Terms & Conditions
Commission is paid for all approved sales, which are tallied at the end of the month.

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  • You may not use methods such as cookie stuffing.
  • You may not promote in any sexually explicit materials, violent materials, libelous or defamatory materials, or any illegal activities.
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  • You may not use a link to which includes a redirecting link, that is generated or displayed on a Search Engine in response to a general Internet keyword search query, whether those links appear through your submission of data to that site or otherwise.

Note: All marketing activities must be conducted in adherence to the Advertiser’s terms and conditions.
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